Lipids 脂質 | 膽固醇/TG代謝分析

脂解(3T3-L1)比色分析試劑盒 | 貨號K577-100 (ABCAM ab185433)

LDL攝取分析試劑盒 | LDL Uptake Assay Kit 貨號K436-100

總膽固醇和膽固醇酯檢測| Total Cholesterol and Cholesteryl Ester Colorimetric Assay Kit II貨號K623-100 (ab102515)

TG甘油三酯螢光檢測 | Triglyceride (TG) Fluorometric Assay Kit貨號K614-100 (ABCAM, ab178780)

384well 三酸甘油酯(TG)呈色檢測 | Triglyceride Quantification Colorimetric Assay Kit貨號K952-400 (ABCAM ab282924)

384-well TG甘油三酯定量 | Triglyceride Quantification Assay 貨號K952-400

前脂肪細胞分離 | Lipolysis (Adipocyte) Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit 貨號K581-5

葡萄糖比色測定試劑盒II | Glucose Colorimetric Assay Kit II 貨號K686-100(ABCAM ab102517)

脂肪甘油三酯脂肪酶(ATGL)試劑盒 | ELISA kit for the quantitative measurement of rat ATGL貨號E4344-100

醋酸比色分析試劑盒 | Acetate Colorimetric Assay Kit 貨號K658-100 (abcam ab204719)